Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Women, a tree and a bird.

I am happy to be blogging regularly these days. My husband is traveling and that gives me extra few hours to spend on my blog. In moments of loneliness when I miss him, I am left wondering. How is that in the past 6 years of our marriage, he has always found time to travel for himself. Be it visiting his family in Kolkatta or an overseas travel or a semi-holiday which he is currently enjoying.

A contemporary metaphor - Men are like mobile phones with roaming facility and women are the fixed wire line phone, always at home. Anyways that wasn't the thought that I actually sat down to capture. While pondering on this thought as to why my husband always finds time to travel to a place of his liking and why I am not able to do so....this metaphor came to my mind.

Women are like the trees. Their roots go deep into the soil where they grow. They remain rooted. They like the deep roots. They roots bring a sense of safety and security. They are also as selfless as a tree. The tree misses out on the fun of going out and seeing the world. It gives a lot...but from its fixed place where it is rooted.

Men on the other hand are like birds. The bird is free to see the world at its leisure.The bird needs the tree to make its nest. The bird needs the tree to eat the fruit. The bird needs the tree for shelter. Yet, the bird is a bird. it is free to fly. At the end of the flight when the bird gets tired, it knows that the tree will be there where it is.... The tree needs the bird too. The bird carries the pollen grains from the tree far and wide. So that the tree population grows. The bird needs the tree for its survival, without shelter there is no life.

As a modern women, I think we are in a dilemma - The tree or the bird? I want the roots, yet I want to fly and see the world. It is an internal struggle......sometimes the tree wins and sometimes the bird......Right now when my husband is away on his semi-holiday (he is actually accompanying my aged in-laws to for a pilgrimage), ....here I am sitting at home and writing this blog!!! Mostly the tree wins......no regrets

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