Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I really don't know if it is a failure. But yes, the feeling is not very good. Precious years of my life dedicated to a cause. The cause of doing good work. Work which I love and did at all times with sincereity and dedication. So many flights taken; disturbed sleep of family members because I had an early morning flight to catch, dinner eaten in a restaurant later in the night because the evening flight back home got delayed. Beautiful moments of celebrations missed because I was traveling for work away from home. Days when the body and the mind were too tired to do anything else but fall on the bed. So much effort, all wasted. In the name of work. Life went on, things and people got left behind. Precious moments of life got lost in eternity, all because I was preoccupied with work. Work which has not given me much in return. What kind of corporate monsters have we created which only take take and take more from people like me. Without giving anything in return? Making us slaves, robbing us of our time. Free I want to be. Free from the habit of going to work every morning. Free to be my own boss. Free not to shout and fire people just because one has to. I am simply bored of this routine. As my friend Sniggdha says, "Imagine wearing heels to go to office every day? How boring!!!". I don't want to wear heels to work every day for the rest of my life. It is a moment of important decision. To free myself from the world of coporate slavery or continue with the caged existence of a corporate employee?

Einstein has said, "If someone feels that they had never made a mistake in life, then it means they had never tries a new thing in their life."