Friday, May 15, 2009

Why do we have to take decisions?

Life would be so good if there were no decisions to taken..isn't it so?

But no...we have to choose...take decisions. I am happy that god has given me the power and intelligence to take decisions....but sometimes I hate choosing. If only one event after the other would unfold on its own and life would go on smoothly. What will happen after the decision has been taken is what I fear. So many a times I keep postponing decisions.

It is a realisation that as we grow older, the decisions we are required to take also become more complex. Don't know why? I think as we grow older we also become so complex. Too much unwanted information gets stored in our brain. As we grow older we take longer to decide. Reminds me of my computer. When the hard disk is loaded with too much data and I recall some information....the poor computer takes this ages to get the info. Same happens to our brain too. We check out too many pros and cons, calculate the outcome of our decisions and are too cautious!

I have realized that the more I postpone taking a decision, the tougher it gets to actually decide.

But then what would life be if we had no choices to make? Nothing :)-