Saturday, May 24, 2008

Degenerating moral fabric - Arushi Murder Case and Neeraj Grover Murder Case

Two gruesome murders in two of the biggest Metros of this country have left the nation shocked this week. What is further shocking is the association of educated and highly placed people with both the murders.

case-1 : In a suburban township near Delhi, an educated father slits his 14 year old daughters throat and leaves her to bleed in the very house where she was born and grew up. Everything is done very calmly and with meticulous planning. Police claim the mother could also be an accomplice in the crime.

Case -2 : In suburban Mumbai, two people (a man and a woman) conspire against and innocent young man, murder him brutally, chop is body into tiny pieces and then burn it to hide evidence. Everything is done very calmly and with meticulous planning.

Police is struggling to nail the culprits in both the cases. Reason there is not enough evidence, no eye witnesses, most important and shameful for the society is that the neighbors claim they did not hear anything nor did they see anything suspicious in both the cases. The motive in the both the cases is not clear. It may be more an impulse than a plan. Which only goes to prove that people are loosing calm and control at the slightest provocation. Alarming.

What is happening to our society? What for? Where are we heading as a nation? In this mad race for economic progress we have heavily compromised on our human values. We have sunk below the societal values, reached the pits as far as human values are concerned.

It is like a slow poison which is working on our nervous system. Desensitizing us from our surroundings. Immunized, reaction less to our society. Professionally highly productive; personally completely defunct.

Through my blog I want to express my disgust with whats happening around.
I remember in one of my earlier posts, I had quoted something about the praise and accolades which the movie Tare Zameen Par has received from all. The subject is good, but there are many more important matters which require attention.

"Every child is a special child"....the promos of the movie say. What is so special about children in India? Dyslexia is the least of the problems....There is nothing wrong with the children, it is the adults who need a spanking! To value the child and give each child a morally sound upbringing, health, happiness and education. Every child is a special child in the Kingdom of God. They are his tiny messengers....."

I am particularly sad because it is Arushi's birthday today. Dear child, may god rest your soul in peace. From wherever you are forgive those who have done this. Else they will never find peace.

I urge you to condem this act of crime. Please leave you comments.


  1. A new revelation has come in which explains not only the killing but also the behaviour of the mother Nupur, as also the Durranis and indeed the police.


    There is ground to believe the swapping between Talwars-Durranis extended to their social circuit as well.Can you think of any other reason which explains all? None.
    The Talwars, and the Durranis ,had to silence both Arushi & Hemraj. So both killings were deliberate.
    This also explains the shameless behaviour of Nupur Talwar, and the mutually supportive praise between the Talwars & Durranis.

  2. Ummm the quote above is Nichiren Daishonin's no? So you also practice Buddhism is it?

    These two murder cases are so depressing...the media sensationalism is even worse...


  3. Ummm the quote above is Nichiren Daishonin's no? So you also practice Buddhism is it?

    These two murder cases are so depressing...the media sensationalism is even worse...



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