Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What my baby has taught me...

They say, "A child is the father of mankind", and it is so true. Contrary to what I believed earlier, it is my little son who is teaching me so many new things about life, and the process is on going. Like he has taught me how to smile carefree. And how anger has no meaning in a child's world. He learns things so easily with such enthusiasm. My son has taught me how innocent and pure a babies love is for his mother. To him it simply does not matter if I am old or young, beautiful or ugly, fat or thin, good or evil, educated or illiterate. My little baby accepts me and loves me just for what I am....My most profound and wonderful realizations and learning have not come from books or school and college...but from little baby has taken me back in time to the origin of life....when god creates life, it is all very uncomplicated. Like we buy a new computer and it comes with some basic applications to run smoothly. The wise men then down load many many more applications on the computer and clutter it and make the machine slower to work we grow we complicate god's machinery, making life miserable for ourselves and for those around us...I wish we all could retain our child like qualities as we grow. The innocence, the purity, the energy and enthusiasm, the unconditional love...True. A child is god's most precious gift to mankind. To be valued and cherished.

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