Thursday, August 27, 2009

Man invented the Clock and became a slave to Time!!!!

Time......I have this big grudge against Man made 'Time' or lets say 'Clock' or 'Watch'. It reduces the vast expanse of Universe (which is time less and end less....Anant or eternal as refereed to in Hindu Mythology) into mere Seconds.

God too is Timeless and endless....

Early 19th Century or lets say prior to Industrialization life was so different. People did not have to rush to factories and offices to work. There was leisure...

Past couple of decades there is no escaping. And today we live from Minute to Minute and in some cases even the precision of seconds!

Time has become a knot that gets tighter around us.......strangling us ........We are slaves to Time...

Too much to do and to little make the most of every as productive as you the pressure that is building on all of us.......

The more we run our life as per the 'Watch'/'Clock', further we are moving from nature. Sunrise....Sunset....Seasons....everything is a all passes too quickly. Farmers are the only once who might still be tuned into nature. More so since their life revolves around nature. Sowing, Watering and harvesting, everything is in sync with nature.

In Meditation too I loose my sense of frees me from the 'Clock'...

Slow down.......give more and more free time to Children.....create some free time for self....Sunrise.....Sunshine.....Seasons.....Lets all get closer to nature. Synchronize ourselves with nature and not with the Man-made 'Clock'....Stop looking at the 'Clock'.....stop penalizing those who don't want to live as per the 'Clock'....

I am practicing freedom from 'Time'/Clock.....

1 comment:

  1. Excellent and so true.

    The irony is, we spent so much on learning and improving the skill to use those seconds but we don't give any significance to knowing the eternal.



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