Wednesday, July 1, 2009

God's Canvas

God's Canvas. Each stroke of his brush is a master-piece.

I am witnessing a beautiful day today.

A clear Blue sky. Have never seen it clearer than this ever before.

Puffy Grey and White Clouds. Floating aimlessly in the sky. Silly thought crosses my mind. These White Clouds are God's cotton, to cleanse the earth!

Well rounded, not so high Mountains in the distance. Green. It is monsoon. Clouds playing hide & seek with the mountains. Covering the peaks. Sun shine reflecting on the folds and creases of the mountain. Highlighting its lush Green foliage. Trees, Shrubs and grass.

Sun is about to set for the day. Crisp, bright Sun-shine. Surrounding every thing in its Golden glow.

Nearby is an inlet of the Sea. Its waves gentle. The Sea keeps changing color. Blue, Green and sometines Brown. The Sea looks as if sprinked with shimmering Gold dust. Each wave is capped with Gold and Silver.

Pleasant, soft, light breeze gently swaying the plants around in a rythm.

Everything is so perfectly synchronized. The Sky, Clouds, Mountains, Sun, Sea, Breeze. Not a stroke out of place. A master piece.

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